Internet study confirms: finger length is linked with handedness!

Handedness & your finger length ratio

While a few years ago early studies had identified a link between various hand characteristics and handness, last year the link was ‘officially’ confirmed in an Australian study that had used a new method for measuring finger length ratio. Now a new BBC internet study by the ‘finger professor’ John T. Manning has confirmed the earlier findings.


Digit ratio (2D:4D) and hand preference for writing in the BBC Internet Study.


“The ratio of the length of the second to the fourth digit (2D:4D) may be negatively correlated with prenatal testosterone. Hand preference has been linked with prenatal testosterone and 2D:4D. Here we show that 2D:4D is associated with hand preference for writing in a large internet sample (n>170,000) in which participants self-reported their finger lengths.”

“We replicated a significant association between right 2D:4D and writing hand preference (low right 2D:4D associated with left hand preference) as well as a significant correlation between writing hand preference and the difference between left and right 2D:4D or Dr-l (low Dr-l associated with left hand preference).”

“A new significant correlation between left 2D:4D and writing hand preference was also shown (high left 2D:4D associated with left hand preference). There was a clear interaction between writing hand preference and 2D:4D: The left 2D:4D was significantly larger than the right 2D:4D in male and female left-handed writers, and the right hand 2D:4D was significantly larger than the left hand 2D:4D in male and female right-handed writers.”


The origins of handedness
Your fingers reveal so much about you
The finger book – BOOK
Your left handed child – BOOK

What your hands reveal, what your eye may not see!

The right hand of Barack Obama!

Barack Obama.

The right hand of George W. Bush!

George W. Bush.

The right hand of Bill Clinton!

Bill Clinton.

The right hand of George H.W. Bush!

George H.W. Bush.

The right hand of Ronald Reagan!

Ronald Reagan.

The right hand of Jimmy Carter!

Jimmy Carter.

The right hand of Gerald Ford!

Gerald Ford.

The right hand of Richard Nixon!

Richard Nixon.

The right hand of Lyndon Johnson!

Lyndon Johnson.

Presidential palm readings: US presidents have a low 2D:4D finger ratio!

Earlier this year TIME presented a photo essay of the hands of the last 9 US presidents. Let’s take a look at the finger ratio of their right hand!

Barack Obama’s finger ratio:

Barack Obama’s right hand clearly shows a very low ‘2D:4D digit ratio’. An earlier report on his left hand presented a ‘2D:4D digit ratio’ estimation close to 0.90-0.92, and various photos indicate that the same zone is indicated for his right hand.

NOTICE: though his inauguration photo appears to present a slightly higher ratio – but in that photo his fingers are obviously not ‘stretched’ and therefore that photo should be ignored).

George W. Bush’s finger ratio:

His inauguration photo shows that George W. Bush’s right hand shows a low ‘2D:4D digit ratio’, which is likely close to 0.90.

Bill Clinton’s finger ratio:

There are not many photos available that are suitable for measuring Bill Clinton’s finger length but various photos indicate that Bill Clinton’s ‘2D:4D digit ratio’ is close to 0.96-0.97, which could be described as normal for a white male.

George H.W. Bush’s finger ratio:

His inauguration photo shows that George H.W. Bush’s right hand shows a low ‘2D:4D digit ratio’, which is likely close to 0.95-0.96.

Ronald Reagan’s finger ratio:

Ronald Reagan’s right waving hand shows clearly a very low ‘2D:4D digit ratio’, which is likely close to 0.90.

Jimmy Carter’s finger ratio:

Jimmy Carter’s right waving hand shows also a very low ‘2D:4D digit ratio’, which is likely close to 0.90.

Gerald Ford’s finger ratio:

Gerald Ford’s inauguration photo shows that his ring finger is (much) longer than his index finger – confirmed by his right hand waving photo – but in his case it’s hard to make a more detailed estimation beyond that his finger length ratio can definitely be described as: ‘below average’.

Richard Nixon’s finger ratio:

Richard Nixon’s right hand waving photo shows that his ring finger is definitely longer than his index finger: ‘below average’ and close to 0.95-0.96.

Lyndon Johnson’s finger ratio:

Lyndon Johnson’s inauguration photo shows that lowest ‘2D:4D digit ratio’ of all presidential men – likely below 0.89.


Five out of the last nine US presidents (Obama, G.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter & Johnson) have a very low digit ratio – close to 0.90 or even lower!

Only in Clinton’s right hand the ‘2D:4D finger ratio’ can be described as normal.


Famous hands: the hand of celebrities!
More news reports related tothe  ‘2D:4D digit ratio’
The hands of Barack Obama: his finger length
What does the hand of a celebrity reveal?

Finger length.

Finger length appears to be related to body height.

Finger length relates to body height:

Earlier this year a Turkish study reported that in a sample of 386 right handed students, body height was found to correlate negatively with the right- and left hand digit ratios (significant for the left hand in men, and the right hand in women). This implicates that in both males and females evidence was found that a ‘low digit ratio’ is more frequently found in people who has a long body height.


‘Finger Guru’ John T. Manning presented in his first book Digit Ratio an overview of data related to the ‘digit ratio’ in various populations. This data (Manning, Barley, et al.; 2000) points out that e.g. in Spanish & British people (both populations for both men and women) a significant HIGHER ‘2D:4D digit ratio’ (the ratio between the index- and ring finger) was found, compared to for example the finger ratios in Finish & German people (again in both populations for both men and women).

Interestingly, especially Spanish people, and in a lesser degree British people as well, are known for their (relatively) short body height – while Germans & Fins are known for their moderelately longer body height (compared to the Spanish & British): see the figure below. This implicates that there appears to be a strong link between the Turkish study which was published in 2008, and the earlier population evidence mentioned by Manning!!

Body height in various populations.

Height, digit ratio and sex differences
The finger book
7 Milestones in the history of finger length research
Finger & digit ratio news
More hand news