Academic science has developed a new theory about how finger length is related to human biology & behavior. A significant part of theory is focussed on the so-called: ‘2D:4D digit ratio’, which concerns the full length ratio of only two fingers: index finger vs. ring finger. In women the length of both fingers is usuallly about equal, while in men the ring finger is usually slightly longer: a tiny sex difference.

NOTICE: This tiny sexe difference has been confirmed among many ethnic populations around the world, but one should also keep in mind that the finger length differences between ethnic populations are often larger than the finger length differences between males and females.


Professor John T. Manning of the University of Liverpool (School of Biological Sciences, Liverpool, UK) explains the link between finger length & athletic ability as follows (see video: starting at 2m5s):

Professor John T. Manning explains how finger length relates to testosterone & athletic behavior.

“Our fingers have information about how much testosterone and how much oestrogen we’ve been exposed to in the whomb. So, the longer one’s ring finger relative to one’s index finger, the more testosterone you’ve had. And that testosterone has an effect on the brain, and on the body. If a boy has a large amount of testosterone before birth, he is likely to be born with a very efficient heart and vascular system.”

“So the longer one’s ring finger relative to one’s index finger, the faster one can run.”

The BBC’s “Secret of The Sexes” confronted the ‘finger Professor’ with six athletes – all 5000 meter specialists, and asked him to “predict” the outcome of the race based on finger length only. Actually, the BBC provided Manning photocopies of the athletes hands, and in return Professor Manning risked his reputation by providing the results of a race that had yet to be run.

The outcome of the experiment is unvealed “LIVE” in the video (starting at 5m10s). And surprizingly… the theory appeared to be pretty accurate in practice. After Manning & the athletes are controfonted with the results Manning summarizes:

“… We’ve got four out of six right, but the two that are wrong were kind a quite close.”

The winner of the 5000 meter race responds:

“I thought… that finger thing is bullox because there are so many variables… I am very impressed”.


Manning’s theory was also confirmed by the results of various studies e.g. on endurance running & sprinting speed. And in another likewise experiment finger length correctly predicted the outcome of a 100 meters race with 5 young sprinters.


In his second book – titled ‘The Finger Book‘ – Professor Manning explains that because of the prental link with the androgens (testosterone & oestrogen), finger length studies have generally shown consequent sensible correlations with a rainbow of life issue. The tiny sex difference appears to be highly revealing, for hundreds of studies the ‘2D:4D digit ratio’ appears to correlate with a wide range of topics that are usually also known for a typical male-female difference, including: musical ability, personality, health, and even sexual preference.
More articles & reports are available at: finger length & digit ratio news.

The following two videos present other materials from the BBC’s “Secrets of The Sexes”: in the second video Manning explains how finger length is related to performance in spatial-visual tasks, and in the third video Manning demonstrates how finger length is related to another typical sexe-related aspect of personality: the ability to empathize!


NOTICE: Measuring the ‘2D:4D digit ratio’ is really a matter of measuring the full length of both fingers. Two additional tips to avoid: 1 – don’t try to ‘judge’ the 2D:4D digit ratio with bare eyes only (conscientious measurment + calculation is a necessity) 2 – one can not find the ‘2D:4D digit ratio’ from the back of the hand, nor the tips of the fingers only.

Picture source: University of Cambridge.
University of Cambridge: how to measure the 2D:4D digit ratio.


In 2008 Professor Chris McManus of the University College London (Psychology and Medical Education) characterized Manning’s finger research as follows:

“Chiromancy, the notorious pseudoscience that Sir Walter Scott bracketed with physiognomy, astrology and “other fantastic arts of prediction”, has for two decades been creeping back into scientific favour. And John Manning is its high priest. In The Finger Book, he [Manning] writes: “I believe that the pattern and nature of our decline in middle life and the disease which will eventually lead to our death, is dependent to a large extent on our experiences as a foetus”, a phrase that could almost have been written by Cheiro, the early 20th-century society palmist.”

Because of the obvious association with the divination aspect of palmistry (which is still very popular in various countries such as India & Pakistan), the issue of the ‘2D:4D digit ratio’ will probably continue to have a controversial status.

Looking for more ‘Next Nature’ reports? You can find them at: More reports about finger length are available at: finger length & digit ratio news.

Sex ID.

Sex ID.

Research says that your finger length ratio is related to your sex ID.

Research says that your finger length ratio is related to your sex ID.


What is Sex I.D.?:

Are men and women’s brains wired differently? You might know what sex you are on the outside – but what sex are you on the inside?

Some researchers say that men can have ‘women’s brains’ and that women can think more like men. Find out more about ‘brain sex’ differences by taking the Sex ID test, a series of visual challenges and questions used by psychologists in the BBC One television series Secrets of the Sexes:

  • Get a brain sex profile and find out if you think like a man or a woman.
  • See if you can gaze into someone’s eyes and know what they’re thinking.
  • See how your results relate to theories about brain sex.
  • Find out why scientists are interested in the length of your fingers + ‘thumb dominance’.

    The scientists behind Sex ID asked test takers a series of questions, some of which covered personal or sexual topics. The questions were included to help researchers learn more about brain sex differences. For example, they are interested to know how test takers’ finger measurements relate to the number of brothers and sisters they have. There is a theory that the amount of testosterone we are exposed to in our mothers’ wombs relates to the ratio of the length of our index fingers to the length of our ring fingers – our digit ratios. Furthermore, it’s thought that prenatal testosterone may increase or decrease systematically with each male child a woman has. Dr John Manning is particularly interested to learn if there is a link between testosterone and birth order. That’s why we asked test takers to measure their fingers and answer questions about their families.


    NOTICE: After taking the test you can compare your Sex I.D. with the results below of the men and women who did the test online during the BBC’s One Show.

    Results of the BBC Sex ID test.

    The science of gaydar.
    What they say about men with long ring fingers.
    Your finger length and sexually facial characteristics
    Your finger length and your sexual preference
    Finger length news

    Sex ID.